Welcome to PZMEER, your one-stop shop for high-quality services. Pzmeer offers a wide range of services to help you take your business to the next level. Whether you need help with graphic design, video editing, copywriting, social media marketing, or anything else, PZMEER has got you covered.

With years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals, we are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations. We understand that every project is unique, which is why we take the time to listen to your specific needs and tailor our services to meet your goals.

At PZMEER, we believe in delivering excellence through creativity, hard work, and attention to detail. Our mission is to help you achieve your business objectives and succeed in today’s competitive market.

So why wait? Contact us today and let PZMEER help you take your business to new heights!

We Work With Brands Globally


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Muhammad Awais

Email: meetawais@pzmeer.com

Mr. Awais is an Advanced Online & Social Media Strategist and A pioneer of innovative high-ROI direct response B2B marketing processes.

Specializing in the finding, targeting and qualifying of optimal leads and prospects for B2B companies with high client and customer values.

Mr. Awais is the King of Relationship Capital and Skilled power-broker responsible for engineering over one thousand profitable or fruitful joint-ventures and partnerships in business

As per Mr. Awais’s clients

“When people need to connect to someone of

high-influence or high-office, they first connect with Awais.”

Zain Iqbal

Lead research specialist

Tahir Shezad

Graphic Designer

Shaheer Altaf

Web Designer

Faisal Yaqoob

Research Team Lead

Shehzad Ul Hassan


Bakht Zohra

Hubspot Integration Team lead

Narmeen Anxari

Marketing Specialist

Basheer Ahmed

Appointment setter

Our values

At Pzmeer, we rely on our team to do their best, and our trust always pays off.

We Think Fast. We Act Fast

Hours are spent in meeting rooms discussing and strategizing but we know that trying 10 new things pays off more.

We Learn What We Don’t Know

We know a lot, 100%, but we are also hungry for learning new things on the go. Out-of-the-box thinking and inventor-like mindset always wins the day.

We Commit

We commit to our clients, colleagues, families, and ourselves. Only living by commitments can lead us to success.

We Own Our Mistakes

Owning your mistakes and acknowledging failures allows us to move forward and be better. Every failed campaign leads to a hundred successful ones.

Circling Here?

Let's Get To Work

Email Marketing

Coaching Business

Branding / Logo Design

Digital Marketing

Web Development

Hubspot Setup

Sales Funnels

Gohighlevel Services


Address: 7710 maple ave 
Takoma park MD 20912

Our hours

09:00 AM – 05.00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: +1(678) 609-8076
Email: Sales@pzmeer.com

© 2024 pzmeer Inc. All right reserved.