Interview with Business Coach and Leadership Adviser Sayre. Darling on “Connecting with Intent” Podcast

In a recent episode of “Connecting with Intent,” host Muhammad Awais had an insightful conversation with S. Darling, a business coach and leadership adviser for middle managers. Here’s a recap of their discussion:

The Journey to Coaching S. Darling’s path to becoming a coach was shaped by her deep interest in understanding people’s motivations and passions. A significant moment in her career was when she worked at a hospital, and an interaction made her realize the power of acknowledging individuals’ contributions. This encounter highlighted the importance of connecting with what drives people in their work.

Higher Purpose Darling discovered her higher purpose in high school when she realized her ability to make observations about life experiences and share them in a way that helps others gain insights into their own lives. Her mission is to help people connect their thoughts and emotions, enhancing their communication skills and fostering genuine connections.

Challenges Overcome

  1. Family Dynamics: Darling navigated complex family dynamics, learning to mediate and communicate effectively.
  2. Professional Setbacks: She faced layoffs and resignations due to organizational crises, which taught her resilience and the importance of speaking up.
  3. Living in the Present: Darling emphasized the need to leave past challenges behind and focus on the present while bringing forward the wisdom gained from past experiences.

Lessons from Failure Darling’s significant failure involved organizations she worked for being embroiled in lawsuits, leading to employment instability. She learned the importance of addressing discrepancies between what is said and what is done, and now uses her experiences to help leaders communicate effectively.

Impactful Read “The Only Certain Freedom: The Transformative Journey of the Entrepreneur” by Patrick O’Neal deeply influenced Darling. The book explores the entrepreneurial journey and the transformative process of aligning one’s heart with their work.

Goals for the Next 12 Months

  1. Utilize and share her LinkedIn content, including three mini-books.
  2. Write a manual for middle managers.
  3. Increase speaking engagements and podcast appearances to generate new ideas and engage with others.

Advice to Younger Self Darling advises her younger self to trust her wisdom and act on intuitive ideas, focusing on the present rather than being hindered by past experiences.

Support and Engagement Darling encourages engaging in meaningful conversations, beyond mere social media interactions, to build trust and generate new ideas.

Guest Experience Darling appreciated the thoughtful questions, which allowed her to refine and recommit to her ideas. She emphasized the value of communication and courage in personal and professional growth.

Closing Thoughts Darling concluded by stressing the importance of quality communication and continuous practice in representing one’s authentic self. She reminded listeners that perfection is unattainable and each day offers an opportunity to practice and improve.

For more insights from S. Darling, listen to the full episode on the “Connecting with Intent” podcast.

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