10x revenue boost with leads matching your ICP
How sales lead qualification works
Company qualification
Checking if this business really needs you
Before starting lead research, we look for companies that match your ICP and might be interested in your value prop.
We check them against a number of criteria such as industry, company size, location, etc.
Lead qualification
Finding and filtering out potential buyers
When we have a list of companies, we start searching for relevant people there.
Our researchers hand-pick leads and double-check whether their titles correspond to your ICP.
Finally, at this stage, we review how long these leads are with company, whether they are real decision-makers, and so on.
Demand verification
Defining need for your solutions and booking appointments
To understand whether these leads have a chance to convert into deal, we ask them what product they use at the moment, how they like it, and highlight your benefits.
We collect their feedback about your offer along with the details of their buying process and other people involved in it.
Finally, we tailor our strategy for more precise targeting and schedule appointments with those who meet all the criteria.
First, we define and approve verification criteria with you, and only then we start looking for people matching those criteria. Also, we automate part of the qualification processes with our in-house tools, as well as external solutions like Gmass, QuickEmailVerification, etc.
Yes, we can do your inbound leads qualification. What’s more, it’ll help us better understand your TAM and tailor our research strategy to find the most suitable decision-makers.
We can increase the pool of titles, cover more industries, or locations. Besides, we can get in touch with those you’ve already contacted but haven’t proceeded for some reasons.
Our pricing depends on multiple factors. Basically, you can select one of our existing packages, or we can provide you a custom price quote for you to get the best value for money.
Want more paying customers?
Address: 7710 maple ave
Takoma park MD 20912
Our hours
09:00 AM – 05.00 PM
Monday – Friday
Contact us
Phone: +1(678) 609-8076
Email: Sales@pzmeer.com
What we do
Lead Generation
Email Marketing
Coaching Business
Branding / Logo Design
Web Development
Hubspot Setup
Sales Funnels
Gohighlevel Services